Welcome to Accessible Learning Services (ALS) Online Appointment Booking System

You can schedule your appointment online by following these steps:

  1. Click 'Schedule an Appointment' in the menu.
  2. Use the drop-down menu next to "Show availability for" to select the type of appointment. Note: Appointments are categorized based on campus location.
  3. Click the drop-down menu next to "and with whom" to view all staff schedules and choose the staff member you’d like to book with.
  4. Pick a time slot and click 'Schedule Appointment.'
  5. Follow the prompts to confirm and finalize your booking.

Follow this link for an instructional guide. If you need further assistance, contact us by email at accessible-learning@humber.ca or by phone at (416) 675-5090 for North Campus or (416) 675-6622 ext. 3331 for Lakeshore Campus.

Appointments with an Accessibility Consultant

Please note:

  • New learners can book an appointment with any Accessibility Consultant.
  • Returning learners must book their appointment with their assigned Accessibility Consultant. Failure to book with your assigned Accessibility Consultant may result in your appointment being cancelled.

There are two options for booking an appointment with an Accessibility Consultant: Standard and Accelerated.

  1. Standard – 50-minute Appointment - Follow this link to learn if a Standard appointment is right for you.

New Learners: This option is best suited if you are new to post-secondary education and would like a comprehensive appointment.  It includes a detailed overview of available services and supports, as well as a personalized needs assessment. Additionally, you'll gain an understanding of the academic accommodations that can support your success.

Returning or Reconnecting Learners: This option is best suited if you would like to discuss specific barriers you're experiencing in the learning environment, receive information on reducing your course load, or are interested in a referral to obtain a psychoeducational assessment or assistive technology training

  1. Accelerated – 30-minute Appointment - Follow this link to learn if an Accelerated appointment is right for you.

New Learners: This option is best suited if you have previously attended post-secondary and received academic accommodations in the past. This option has a self-study component. If you select this option, you are agreeing to complete self-study via instructional videos provided by ALS to learn about supports and services available to you.

Returning or Reconnecting Learners: This option is best suited if you would like to address an issue related to your academic accommodations or have experienced a change in your disability (e.g., a new diagnosis or a change in your condition) that impacts your accommodation or support needs.

Assessment Funding Appointment with an Accessible Learning Coordinator

Standard – 50-minute Appointment

You may book this appointment if your Accessibility Consultant referred you to an Accessible Learning Coordinator for an Assessment Funding appointment. This appointment is for discussing funding for an assessment or for guidance with completing the Bursary for Students with Disabilities (BSWD) application for disability-related educational services.

Assistive Technology Appointment with an Adaptive Technologist & Learning Skills Advisor

Standard – 50-minute Appointment

You may book this appointment if your Accessibility Consultant referred you to an Adaptive Technologist & Learning Skills Advisor for an Assistive Technology appointment. This appointment is for exploring assistive technology as part of your accommodations or for guidance with completing the Bursary for Students with Disabilities (BSWD) application for disability-related technology and equipment.